33 degrees of masonry heights of evil book

Scottish rite, however, assumes a progression from their first. Everyone whos listed as a 33rd degree mason does the devils hand gesture and participates in ceremonys with human sacrifice thats a blunt fact, that i know im going to. If you were under consideration when you ask you are dropped from consideration. Using the old paris meridian, this lies exactly at 33.

The ancient and accepted scottish rite is a system of 33 degrees including the three blue lodge degrees administered by a local or national supreme. George washington a fine gentleman and a christian hitlers personal magician, erick hannessan, 33 degree, sverdnov, trotsky and roughly half of the top leadership of the russian bolshevik party. In the ceremonies open to members of lower degree there are 33 degrees, or ranks, in all, reference is made to the great architect of the universe, whom initiates are encouraged to think of as the god of their own religion. Dissipation of the darkness history of the origin of masonry. The seed of the myth of stuart jacobite influence on the higher degrees may have been a careless and unsubstantiated remark made by john noorthouk in the 1784 book of constitutions of the premier grand lodge of london. It also takes 33 degrees of rotation of a pentagram one point up to achieve a satanic pentagram two points up. At this point, he is a full member of the fraternity and a peer to all other masons throug. Find out which masonic degree verse the holy book is opened to during lodge degree work. Watchers, sons of god or the nephilim, a class of fallen angels descended to earth, and is at 33 degrees. It was stated, without support, that king charles ii older brother and predecessor to james ii was made a freemason in the. Freemason secret orders and the mystery around masonic spiritual rituals is explored with filmmaker alexander wraith. Amen is the god of truth, and 33 represents christ consciousness in the book of enoch, mount hermon is the place where the grigori. For degrees other than the 33rd, as long as you are qualified you can petition for membership in the body hat confers it, work through the earlier degrees, apply to have the degree conferred on you.

Initial list of 33rd degree masons bible believers. With a true understanding of the meaning of each masonic degree verse, your memorization will not just be the memorization of huge blocks of ritual words by rote without understanding them. Those who follow the path of faith or the heart use water and are known as the sons of seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the sons of cain, who was the son of samael, the spirit of fire. But as bill schnoebelen climbed to freemasonrys 32nd degree he. The masonic hierarchy intentionally misleads lower degree masons.

Freemasonry or masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons that from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients modern freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups. Freemasonry exposed by one of its top leaders page 76 every shriner, kneeling before the koran takes this oath in the name of allah, and acknowledges this pagan god of vengeance as his own the god of our fathers they recite. It is also 2012 miles from the equator and 2012 miles from the paris meridian. Number 33 addition of 11 and 22 number 33 dealy plaza is located on the 33rd parallel. Those at the lowest levels referred to as cattle are none the wiser. Some of the words of this greatest sage of freemasonry should put freemasonry in perspective. On page 819 you will find just one example of why there are many people in freemasonry who believe that it is natural to be a christian and a mason. This removes much of the mysticism of each verses actu. The subjectivity of power in the different worlds of masonry, the essential. This pentagram is used by the eastern star, which is the freemason division for women. The number 33 is said to be the master number master teacher.

Masonic degree verse scriptural verses in freemasonrys 3. The york rite bodies the other major concordant body of masonry are not unified in the way scottish rite is. I dont know for certain either way, i just worry about how i live my own life. Wilmshurst is a dyedinthewool pun intended enghlishman who writes from his unshaken belief in masonry. The evil spirit behind freemasonry seeks to convince the candidates to. What is the highest level or degrees of freemasonry. While masonic references in hip hop and rap lyrics are rare. The most secret mysteries of the high degrees of masonry. I should know, my grandfather was a 33rd degree mason. Lodge or ancient craft masonry being common to all the masonic eites. The beginning of masonry the ancient cosmic science, of which freemasonry is the modern survival, gives the date of its inception, as that at which the above cardinal signs commenced their reign, viz. The connection between masonry, the new age movement, and the new world order masonrys occult roots death oaths and masonic executions masonry and the illuminati. Through all the masonic degrees, ancient or modern, the subject continues to be a dark development of the. When someone joins, he goes through the process of receiving the degrees and becomes a third degree master mason.

The deadly deception of freemasonry is exposed in this very comprehensive book that tells the story of jim shaw, who was a 33rd degree mason, knight commander of the court of honor, past worshipful master of the blue lodge, and past master of all scottish rite bodies. In addition to jims story, 33 degrees of deception answers the questions many people raise about the masons. Albert pike 18091891, the most infamous figure in freemasonry, founder of the evil ku klux klan, and the father of modernday freemasonry, degraded lower level masons, saying that they deserve only to be misled. Albert pike addressing the 23 supreme councils of the world on july 14, 1889. The book of the ancient and accepted scottish rite of freemasonry. Masonry, like all the religions, all the mysteries, hermeticism and alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the adepts and. Once you hit 33rd degree they reveal to you that the devil is god i cant believe some people still believe the myth that freemasons are just a fraternity, most of whom worship god. The onward march of the human race requires that the heights around it should blaze with noble.

The ancient and accepted scottish rite of masonry 33 degrees. In freemasonry, why do we open the bible on psalms 3 in. It is the degree needed to take part in masonic work, for instance chairing a lodge meeting. The books are full text and readable online free of charge. The free masonry and the pineal gland why are there 33 levels of free masonic degrees, in the religion and knowledge of free masonry. Alcyone is the brightest star in the pleiadian cluster and thus alcyone is 33 degrees the number of mastery. Over the course of successive publications, carliles com. I concur, after having read many masonic authors, including masonic occultist pike, freemasonry is paganism revived, i. Albert pikes three world war letter 1871 offtopic safe. This belief is the reason we see both type of 5pointed stars within masonry. The blue degrees are but the outer court or portico of the temple. Book which contains the treasures of gods revealed will, are essential. The 33 degrees of masonry of which the 33rd degree praises lucifer. In the misraim rite, as one example where i am a member, we have 96 degrees.

You will be intrigued to learn what this book has to say about. The edition of this book that i got from the sun city library had a different cover, with different symbols of masonry. I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of mount zaphon. Clerical objections to freemasonry are based in part on its quasireligious overtones. For god doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. The sixday war not only gave israel control of jerusalem, but also of the mount hermon area golan heights.

The higher degrees handbook preface in attempting to give an outline sketch of the various degrees in freemasonry in a book of this description, i am faced by many difficulties, not the least of which is how to write in an interesting way about degrees, which many of my readers have not taken, without giving away more than is permissible. The masonic hierarchy pyramid showing varying degrees. Watchers, sons of god or the nephilim, a class of fallen angels descended to earth, and is at 33 degrees latitude and longitude. The parts in the exemplification were all played by men of the 33rd degree. The 33 degrees represents the anatomical structure in the human spine, from bottom rising up towards the top. There are 3 joints to the knuckle on two fingers making 33 then held apart like a v is about 33 degrees. There are many masonic rites, and every one of them has its own specific number of degrees. In addition to jims story, 33 degrees of deception answers the questions many. Footnotes from ex 33 degree freemason, jim shaws book, the deadly deception. Like i said, im not denying that some masons might be evil, but, there have been priests who i would call evil and many others somewhere between the 2 who i would call evil. If you plot 3 degrees of taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees aries, 3 taurus equals 33 degrees. After all my research over the last five years and countless interviews, i have to claim that i really have nothing against freemasonry. These products have been chosen with great care, so you only get the best of the masonry and concrete industries printed and electronic information.

To list them all here would be foolish because it would take a several volume book, and most of those books have been written for you to read. The standard, widely accepted masonic rite has three degrees. Hiram abiff osiris baal sungod worship, cloaked in malevolently misquoted. A master mason is as high as you can get as a freemason, after having been initiated as an entered apprentice, and then trained as a fellow craft. You will be intrigued to learn what this book has to say about the connection between masonry, the new age movement, and the new world order. Freemasonry above 33 degree to 90 degreedeliverance. List of 33rd degree masons you be the judge and jury. As a freemason myself, i can tell you that yes, there are degrees above 33 33 degrees relates to scottish rite which has 32 degrees, and one extra honorary 33rd degree. Establishing the connection from the grand lodges to lucifer. Albert pike historical masonic figure is a 33rd degree, freemason occultist grand master and.

Once again, masonry utilizes a very evil satanic symbol for the order that trains its young, impressionable girls. The representative candidate was dressed in black trousers, barefooted, bareheaded and draped in a long, black robe that looked like a very long, black raincoat. They are entered apprentice, fellowcraft, and the highest rank that anyone can earn, master mason. The 33rd degree law of the masonic phoenicians gnostic. Masonic rites and degrees explained documentarytube. Why didnt masonry at least utilize the good star with one point up, rather than the most evil 5pointed star, this goats head of mendes. The truth is reserved for the adepts, the princes of masonrythose of the 32nd and 33rd degrees morals and dogma, page 819. The confusion starts when you think that the scottish rite has 33 degrees. Construction book express provides a large assortment of books, software and videos for the masonry and concrete professional. The paris meridian is the meridian to which many ancient structures are aligned. Dissipation of the darkness history of the origin of masonry this copy in honor and in remembrance of samuel lawrence who determined to carry out the will of his greatgrandfather and greatgrandmother jonas and janet i fulfilled your sacred will, dear janet. To you, sovereign grand instructors general, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees.

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